
Born on 23 January 1869

Ordained Korooyo on 21 April 1879 by Ambatt Mor Kurillos

Ordained Kassisso on 25 November 1898 by Chathuruthil St. Gregorios of Parumala

Ordained Ramban on 25 November 1898 by Chathuruthil St. Gregorios of Parumala

Ordained Metropolitan on 9 June 1910 for Angamali diocese by Patriarch Abded Aloho II

Elevated as Malankara Metropolitan of the Jacobite Syrian Church in 1917

Formation of 'Malankara Syrian Sunday School Association' by Valiya Thirumeni on 26 September 1919

'Mor Gregorios Students Association' formed at Cheruthottukunnel Church under the leadership of Valiya Thirumeni on 6 May 1922

Patriarch St. Elias III reached Thrikkunnathu Seminary on 21 March 1931

Historic Malankara Association at St. George Church, Karingachira on 22 August 1935

Passed away on 25th January 1953 at 3.55 AM

Entombed at Thrikkunnath St. Mary's Church on 26th January 1953

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