


(English Transaltion)




Beloved Brethren,

By the grace of God, we are back here after visit to Jerusalem, which is our most holy place. God has ordered that we should continue to accomplish his commandments, and we are doing the very same thing. It is a fact accepted by everyone that the eye is more powerful than the ear as a sense organ; seeing and believing is more effective than listening and believing. We learn about the teachings, passion and death of our Lord from the Bible. But this knowledge is tremendously deepened as we visit the land where these events took place, and where the relics and remnants live to this day. We understood this from our personal experience. True God is worshipped "neither on this mountain nor in Jerusalem;" but in spirit and in Truth. That means, Christians can worship God anywhere. However, the pilgrimage to the Holy Land has taught us that, since we are sinners, seeing with our own eyes increases our devotion and confirms us in faith, than when we listen. As we prayed at the different holy places, the contribution and devotion, which we experienced, were rare and deep, the like of which we have never experienced in our life before. It seemed as though our heart and mind were immersed in God. We felt like lying down and praying there forever. Our hearts really melted!

I don't think such deep faith, devotion and contrition would be generated by spending five thousand rupees. This kind of seeing and believing is most useful in making perfect the union of Sprit and Truth. So my advice to you is that our people, it they can make it, should visit the Holy Land.

Now let us think about our duties as Christians. A lot of people in our country are poor and ignorant, doing hard labor and living sinful lives. People, like Pulayas, who are castigated as 'low castes' have no freedom to travel on public road, or approach high caste people. It is our bounden duty to create in them true faith in God, put an end to their hardships in life, and deliver them from sins by removing their ignorance. They should be admitted to the church and separate chapels may be built for them for the time being. As they come up and improve their living conditions, they can be incorporated into the existing parish churches. In the same way separate schools may be established for them on a temporary basis. Our efforts so far made in this direction have to be redoubled. We should conduct Gospel and evangelistic work among these people.

The spread of the Gospel in this country will certainly be augmented by opening English schools not only for Christians but for non-Christians as well. Pupils in such schools will be studying books by great men who are God-fearing. Those great men are also Christians. We are grieved to hear the complaint that the studies of the books of these great men do not really generate Christian principles in pupils. We are told that these pupils do not follow a life of truth and morality; but we do not believe it. We need English education. Not only that, the many Englishmen who studied these have not become immoral! Is it that these books are bad only in our country? Never. Therefore more English schools should be founded in many places.

Prayer is one thing, which can help education to develop faith, devotion and mutual good will among people. He who prayers to God everyday will never be untrue, evil, faithless, an enemy of society or a traitor to this master. Prayer is the enthusiasm of childhood, the refuge of youth and peace in old age. God will listen to the prayer of a heart full of devotion and such a person will get abundant blessings from God in return. A real devotee of God is one who selflessly loves all his fellow-beings, because God has created everything as the object of our love. More things are wrought by prayer than we can even dream of. How can we say that man is better than we can ever dream of. How can we say that man is better than animals, which cannot discern their future, if even after knowing. God, man does not raise his hand in prayer, for his own sake and also for the sake of those whom he loves? Prayer, thus is golden chain by which we are bound to the holy feet of God. Therefore pray earnestly to God, day and night. Such prayer is the best means to remove the darkness in us, to free us from fatigue, to accomplish our needs and it can lead us to salvation and Heaven. Believe in God and pray to Him; my brethren, God will be pleased in you!

May the love of God the Father, the mercy of the Son and the fullness of Holy Sprit who endows us with peace be with you forever!



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